Qualifications to become a school board member in the state of New Jersey include being a citizen and resident of the district for at least one year immediately preceding election; be able to read and write; be registered to vote in the district, and not be disqualified as a voter.

The Haddonfield Board of Education is a 9-member board comprised of 9 elected residents of Haddonfield. Members serve for three years and elections are held in November. If an elected member is unable to complete his or her term, the remaining members of the board select a replacement in accordance with board policy to serve until the election in November. A student representative (or representatives) is selected each year from the high school senior class. Although student representatives are not voting members, their participation in public board meetings is encouraged and their viewpoints valued. The Superintendent of Schools and the Board Secretary are district employees who help carry out the business of the board, but do not vote. To see a listing of the current board members and their terms of office, go to Board Members Contact Information table.

School Board members uphold and enforce all laws, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, and court orders pertaining to schools. Responsibility of School Board Members in New Jersey is confined to policy making, planning and appraisal, and helping frame policies and plans after consultation with those affected by them. A Board Member’s responsibility is not to administer the schools, but to see that they are well run. Each member of a board of education, before entering upon the duties of his office, takes an oath of office. Each member is required to abide by a state-mandated Code of Ethics for School Board Members, which includes making decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children, developing, and maintaining public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of ability, race, creed, sex or social standing. A copy of the full Code of Ethics for School Board Members can be viewed at School Ethics Act.

We welcome the public to attend all meetings of the Haddonfield Board of Education. the meetings are held at 7:00 PM in the High School Library, generally one or two Thursdays each month. For a listing of the meeting schedule go to Board Meeting Dates.

The Agenda for Board Meetings will be posted by 4:00 PM on the Tuesday before the scheduled meeting. To view the agenda, go to Board Meeting Agendas.

The Minutes of Board Meetings are posted after they have been approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. To view the minutes for past board meetings, go to Board Meeting Minutes.

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